Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQ

You can check to see if the provider is in the network by using the following link:

You can check if the provider is in the Network by using the following link: or You are encouraged to use a provider that is in the Network. If you continue to use a provider outside the Network, you may be responsible for paying the bill up front and receiving lower reimbursement rates.

If your provider is out of Network with PHCS, you can request that your provider be contracted with SevaCare by emailing The SevaCare Network department will forward you a form to complete so that they may begin contract discussions with that provider.

NOTE: There is no guarantee that your provider will accept a contract, and you may be responsible for any payments. The contracting process takes 60-90 days without guarantee. You will be responsible for the bill if services are scheduled for a provider, not in the Network, and the contract is in progress.

Pricing is based on Medicare rates, and the health plan network partners work with all facilities to establish agreed-upon rates.

NOTE: The facility may or may not accept the payment. You will be responsible for any member share (deductibles, copay, and coinsurance). If you receive a balance due statement and you have paid your portion of the bill, submit your bill to, and our network partners will work to resolve it with the provider.

All Pre-Authorization requirements are outlined on page six of this document. Your provider will need to call Medi Review for any pre-authorization request. For any procedure that requires a Pre-Authorization and was not approved or provided, benefits will be reduced by $500.00.

The Taft–Hartley Act is a United States Federal Law that restricts the activities and power of Labor Unions. Among the practices prohibited by the Taft–Hartley Act are jurisdictional strikes, secondary and mass picketing, closed shops, and monetary donations by unions to federal political campaigns.

Collective bargaining agreements make employer-employee negotiations legally binding. They are helpful to both parties because they define, in writing, the terms of employment that are required from each.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ut diam nisl. Cras massa eros, porttitor sed maximus id, viverra vitae nisl. Integer placerat eget posuere ultricies.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ut diam nisl. Cras massa eros, porttitor sed maximus id, viverra vitae nisl. Integer placerat eget posuere ultricies.